CDr. Donald Franklin President, International Mensa Society Chapter
Dr. Wyman has presented to us on more than one occasion and he is the first Guest Speaker that has ever left our group without any negative criticism or controversy based on his performance.
Dr. Scott Bushnell, President, Lake Sumter Chapter Sons of the American Revolution
Thanks for all you are doing for our Lake Sumter Sons of the American Revolution (SAR) Chapter and the State of Florida Society, SAR. Your presentation on the various, little known aspects and participants of the Revolution are both interesting and educational. I know that they all have taken you a great deal of research time to ensure that the facts and stories are historically accurate. You have become one of our most requested and favorite speakers/presenters, which speaks well to the “showmanship” you put into each presentation and the professional investigative work you do. We always welcome you back to present yet another fascinating view of our history.
Dr. Vera Lee, Author and Professor Emerita Boston College, Codes & Ciphers Student
Dr. Donald Wyman’s PowerPoint presentations are an incredible learning tool used to maximum effectiveness. Dr. Wyman combines both a depth of knowledge and a sincere desire to share it for the identifying and solving of these previously mysterious jumbles of letters, numbers and symbols. I learned a lot despite not having any background in the subject… and I enjoyed every minute of it!
Lance W. Ingmire, President, Friends of the New York State Military Museum, Saratoga Springs, NY
Dr. Wyman presented a factual and stellar PowerPoint presentation relevant to his recent publication, The Chosen Path, a long overdue account of the life and adventures of Civil War Union spy, Elizabeth Van Lew. His over all command of the details surrounding her life and the role she played to advance the cause toward a Union victory during that tumultuous period of our history was exemplary. His research was spot on and the illustrations used greatly aided in making his presentation captivating for all audiences, not just those consumed with the history of America’s 19th century. I trust those of you who are lucky enough to have Dr. Wyman as a “neighbor” appreciate the vast array of knowledge he possesses and the tireless and time-consuming efforts extended in his meticulous research. He is an American treasure….
Hady Finch, Grant Cottage Trustee and Program Chair
Grant Cottage, the historic site which recognizes the last days of our 18th President and Civil War hero, was pleased to host a reception for Dr. Wyman on July 25, 2014. Dr. Wyman provided information about Grant’s spy, Elizabeth Van Lew, on the historic porch where Grant completed his memoirs. Dr. Wyman’s presentation was engaging and informational and kept our audience riveted. We left the cottage porch knowing far more about the courageous Union spymaster and her efforts to save the Union. Many remained after the presentation to talk with Don because he is approachable and knowledgeable. It was a program we hope to repeat.
Dr. Paul Dempsey, Former Chief of Training California Youth Authority
After having attended your George Washington spymaster presentation I was impressed with your factual, articulate, and systematic narration. Your PowerPoint presentation along with your narrative made the entire experience both informative and stimulating. I left looking forward to your next seminar.
Kathi Yuika, Acting Program Chair, International Rotary Club Villages Chapter
Dr. Wyman’s presentation to our club was outstanding; his research time to ensure the facts was very evident as he shared the life of Civil War Union Spymaster, Elizabeth Van Lew. Our members were very entertained and impressed with his excellent presentation.
David A. Fechtor, Director, Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Tufts University
Of the hundred-plus lectures and classes that our program offers each year. Dr. Wyman’s have been second to none when it comes to quality, vitality, and audience appeal. Our members were enthralled by his presentations on George Washington, Elizabeth Van Lew, and Ben Franklin: if hands-on workshops on the history of code and ciphers were any more captivating you’d have to change his name to “Uncle Rebus” (sic)!
Jerry Hasson, President Civil War Study Group
Don Wyman has presented 12 different PowerPoint presentations for our Group and he always keeps the audience captivated and entertained. The combination of his unique, colorful and remarkable images and his knowledgeable narration always guarantees nothing but the highest quality for our audiences.
Sybil R. Evans, Past President Central Intelligence Agency Retirees Villages FL Chapter
Dr. Wyman’s presentations on varied periods of American History are outstanding, informative and always contain a sense of humor, keeping you on the edge of your seat. In the history arena, Don is held in high regard for his research, facts and methods of presenting; making U. S. History interesting and challenging to our youth. In addition to the above, Don Wyman is a great guy with a creative mind, as exemplified by the challenging and entertaining Puzzles and Games he creates. Having Don as my friend is a privilege.
Linda Davis, President, Daughters of the American Revolution Chapter Leesburg, FL
Dr. Wyman’s Benjamin Franklin: The Bright Side presentation was remarkable. Even a long time student of history like myself learned much from the presentation. The Hutchinson episode’s revelation was both compelling and astounding. His professional recounting of history made us all feel like we were witnessing it live.
Susan Cassidy Adult Programs Coordinator, Newton Community Education, Newton, MA
Don Wyman has delighted audiences in the Boston area for over ten years with his presentations with Newton Community Education. I know of no other presenter who has covered such fascinating topics as codes, ciphers, and cryptograms in such detail and creativity. And, he is a terrific social ballroom dancing instructor.
Gloria Austen, Director, Grand Oaks Resort and Museum
Dr. Donald Paul Wyman has both presented and performed at our Museum on many occasions. His audiences were always impressed with both his polished narration and the high quality of the images that illustrated his historical presentations. In addition, his Ballroom Dance skills and instruction has inspired many of our clientel to continue to learn and enjoy this socially rewarding and healthy activity.
Ed Wheeler, Director of the Kagnew Station Asmara Annual Reunion, San Antonio, TX
Dr. Donald Wyman delivered a high quality Powerpoint presentation on Civil War Codes & Ciphers that thoroughly entertained our group of Veterans. His images were so vivid that it was almost like being an eye witness to history and his knowledge of codes and ciphers are amazing. We learned so much of the behind the scenes Civil War clandestine activities and how they made a difference throughout the war. Keep up the good work of enlightening so many people.
Suzanne B. Crosby, Director, Image Makers Model & Talent Agency
Having attended many of Dr. Don Wyman’s assorted PowerPoint presentations, I am impressed with the breadth of your knowledge on so many subjects, your pleasant, conversational style of narration, and especially because you can do it all without a single note, script, or teleprompter.
Dawn Tripp, Director, Guest Speaker Program Villages Lifelong Learning College
Dr. Wyman has been one of our most respected presenters/teachers for the past seven years. His use of PowerPoint sets the highest standard for every other instructor. I’ve never seen the quantity of high quality images in any other program. I’ve even attended some of his Ballroom Dance Classes with my son and we had a ball!
Jerry Peacock, Commander, SCV CAMP #741 8th Florida Brigade
As a Florida State Commander of one our country’s second oldest veterans organizations, I want to offer a few comments about a close friend and associate, Dr Don Wyman.
Don is an excellent gentleman of the highest quality and character. I have witnessed his programs and seminars on many different significant historical topics. He exudes true professionalism and goes into great depth and explanation when covering subjects which draw the utmost interest and attention from everyone in the audience. His information reveals an infinite and exact knowledge that is unsurpassed in quantity and quality. Don also exemplifies the ability to connect and communicate with everyone, whatever their previous knowledge, in his teaching of the multiple subjects in his vast repertoire.
It is with the greatest honor that I have the distinction of having this gentleman as a sincere and trustworthy friend. He has an outstanding personality and possesses unsurpassed talents that promote genuine harmony regardless of the audience, subject matter, or the environment he is in.
Paul Sugarman, Presentation Attendee
I have attended four of Don Wyman’s talks. If my graduate school professors had been as entertaining and well organized, I would have learned much more. His PowerPoint presentations are so complete, and original that I’m constantly surprised. Listening to, and watching Don has been a great experience.
Don Furano, Codes, Cyphers, & Cryptogram Student
Dr. Wyman’s classes were the most fun I ever had in a classroom, and I still use the skills I acquired solving cryptograms every day. Dr. Wyman is a Master Cryptogram Teacher, Creator, Solver, Presenter… and a wonderful guy.